Issue 312: Mapping Geopolitical Units to Period

Starting Date: 
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Closing Date: 

In the 36th joined meeting of the CIDOC CRM SIG and ISO/TC46/SC4/WG9 and the 29th FRBR - CIDOC CRM Harmonization meeting, discussing methodological tips for mappings to CIDOC CRM, there was a discussion about how geopolitical units map to a period. Comments are:

- The period is defined as the geopolitcal unit (Claim of power / jurisdictional area is not just a paper entity but is a real phenomenon)
- Can add more explicit explanation of geopolitical unit
- It is suggested the scope note of Period to be improved (no particular person assigned)
There was a discussion about those that are mapped to propositional objects. It is proposed to add examples to E89 Propositional Object about fictitious persons and places. This HW assigned to  Oyvind.

Iraklio, August 2016



posted by Oyvind on 6/12/2016

Sorry about the lateness of this homework. The task was “to add examples to E89 Propositional Object about fictitious persons and places.” I am not 100% sure about how to phrase such examples but I include two below as starting points for discussion.

Current examples:
• Maxwell’s Equations
• The ideational contents of Aristotle’s book entitled ‘Metaphysics’ as rendered in the Greek texts translated in … Oxford edition…
• The underlying prototype of any “no-smoking” sign (E36)
• The common ideas of the plots of the movie "The Seven Samurai" by Akira Kurosawa and the movie “The Magnificent Seven” by John Sturges
• The image content of the photo of the Allied Leaders at Yalta 1945 (E38)

Additional examples:
• Little Red Riding Hood as a fictitious person depicted in a number for media expressions including oral fairy tales, the Grimm brothers’ ‚Rotkäppchen’, and the film ‘Hoodwinked!’
• Havnor as the place is described in the ‘Earthsea’ book series by Ursula K. Le Guin, in maps made by her and others, in films based on the books, and in numerous fan fiction works.


Current Proposal: 

In the 37th joined meeting of the CIDOC CRM SIG and ISO/TC46/SC4/WG9 and the 30th   FRBR - CIDOC CRM Harmonization meetingthe crm-sig assigned to  Gerald and Wolfgang with the help of  Dominic  to elaborate the scope note of E4 Period considering that the period maybe a geopolitical unit:  a real phenomenon, Claim of power / jurisdictional area. Also, crm-sig asked Dominic to provide examples about modern and ancient periods. 

Subsequently, the crm-sig discussed about the declarative vs phenomenal nature of the geopolitical unit and commented that this is should be under consideration.

They agreed that ontologically the geopolitical unit may be an extent like (a)  a settlement  (b) physical feature (c) area where population is living. 
Finally it is asked Chistian Emil to provide examples from  Norway / Sweden   
Also the crm-sig reviewed and accepted the examples about fictitious persons and places proposed by Oyvind map to E89propositional object.  

Berlin, December 2016

Posted by Gerald on 17/3/2017

Hi all,
I gave a first try, please comment and extend as appropriate:

A geopolitical unit as a specific case of an
E4 Period is the set of activities and phenomena related to the claim of power, the consequences of belonging to a jurisdictional
area and the administrative system that establishes a geopolitical unit. Examples are countries or
administrative areas of countries as districts whose actions and structures
define activities and phenomena in the area that they intend to govern. The
borders of geopolitical units are often defined in contracts and can be seen as
declarative places as defined in CRMgeo. The phenomenal
borders of a geopolitical
unit, can be different to the declarative borders, in particular at times of

Posted by Christian Emil on 29/3/2017

Dear all

In issue 312 I was asked to formulate an example to be used in the definition of E4 Period:

Subclass of:          E2 Temporal Entity

Subclass of           E92 Spacetime volume

Geopolitical units exist in time and may vary in spatial extent and can be modeled as instances of E4 Period.

I was asked to formulate a Scandinavian example.  First some background for those of you not very familiar with Nordic history:

In 1397 the Kalmar Union consisting of Denmark, Norway and Sweden, was established. Sweden finally broke out in 1522. Norway became a de facto part of Denmark from the Lutheran reformation in 1537 until the Kiel Peace Treaty between Denmark and Sweden was signed in 1814. The original intention of the treaty was to give Sweden the area of Norway. For some unknown reasons the Swedish crown prince and former French general Jean-Bapstiste Bernadotte intervened and insisted that Norway should be considered to be a separate kingdom in a personal union (under him) with Sweden. The reason is unclear but it may have been a way to secure his position in case the Swedes rejected him (Norway was larger than the tiny Principality of Pontecorv o given him by Napoleon). Somewhat surprisingly, the very liberal Norwegian constitution stemming from the short period of Norwegian independence in 1814 was accepted by Bernadotte. (It is speculated that this was done as a PR-action to appear more liberal and thus increase his odds to become the king of France, after an advice from Madame de Staël ). In any case, Norway and Sweden was in a so called personal union under one king, and a single administration of foreign policy (by the King/Swedish government)

The example:

The union of Norway and Sweden under a common king from 1814 to 1905

Posted by Gerald Hiebel  on  30/3/2017

Dear all,
In the light of Christian Emils example I would propose for discussion:

Geopolitical units exist in time and may vary in spatial extent and can be modeled as instances of E4 Period.
A geopolitical unit as a specific case of an E4 Period is the set of activities and phenomena related to the claim of power, the consequences of belonging to a jurisdictional
area and an administrative system that establishe a geopolitical unit. Examples are countries, administrative areas of countries as districts whose actions and structures
define activities and phenomena in the area that they intend to govern. The borders of geopolitical units are often defined in contracts or treaties and can be seen as declarative places as defined in CRMgeo. The phenomenal borders (both spatial and temporal) of a geopolitical unit can be different to the declarative borders, in particular at times of war.
The spatiotemporal properties of Geopolitical units can be modelled through the properties inherited from E92 Spacetime volume. 

In the 38th joined meeting of the CIDOC CRM SIG and ISO/TC46/SC4/WG9 and the 31st FRBR - CIDOC CRM Harmonization meeting, the crm-sig reviewed the text provided by Christian Emil and Gerald Hiebel about the geopolitical unit. The revised text follows

"A geopolitical unit as a specific case of an E4 Period is the set of activities and phenomena related to the claim of power, the consequences of belonging to a jurisdictional area and an administrative system that establishes a geopolitical unit.

Examples from the modern period are countries or administrative areas of countries such as districts whose actions and structures define activities and phenomena in the area that they intend to govern. The borders of geopolitical units are often defined in contracts or treaties although they may deviate from the actual practice.

The spatiotemporal properties of Geopolitical units can be modelled through the properties inherited from E92 Spacetime volume."

Heraklion, April 2017


In the 40th joined meeting of the CIDOC CRM SIG and ISO/TC46/SC4/WG9 and the 33nd FRBR - CIDOC CRM Harmonization meeting, the crm-sig added the text  provided by Christian Emil and Gerald Hiebel about the geopolitical unit.  In the scope note of E4 Period, in addition added  some examples. The new scope note for E4 Period is appeared in the appendix G. The issue is closed.