Issue 184: Missing explanation of property P69.1 has type

Starting Date: 
Working Group: 
Closing Date: 

The property of this property, P69.1 has type, is not explained in the scope note (in contrast with all other properties of properties), is not illustrated by an example, and is not stated under the domain class E29 Design or Procedure. Was it really intended to be declared?

Patrick Le Boeuf 

Helsinki 28/1/2010

Current Proposal: 

It is intended. Scope note to be written. 

Nuremberg December 2010

From PLB

Here is my suggested rephrasing for the 2nd paragraph (split into two) of the scope note for P69 is associated with:

"Any instance of E29 Design or Procedure may be associated with other designs or procedures. The property is assumed to be entirely reciprocal.

The P69.1 has type property of P69 is associated with allows the nature of the association to be specified; examples of types of association between instances of E29 Design or Procedure include: whole-part, sequence, prerequisite, etc."

Crete May 2011


The scope note of the property P69 changed to: 

"This symmetric property describes the association of an E29 Design or Procedure with other Designs or Procedures.

Any instance of E29 Design or Procedure may be associated with other designs or procedures. The P69.1 has type property of P69 is associated with allows the nature of the association to be specified; examples of types of association between instances of E29 Design or Procedure include: whole-part, sequence, prerequisite, etc."

Crete 18/5/2011