Issue 224: P152 "has parent": how does it fit in?

Starting Date: 
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Closing Date: 

Posted by wolfgang schmidle 11/2/2013 Dear all, 

I am struggling to understand P152 "has parent", especially the description "Superproperty of paths for was born � gave birth, was born, by father", which seems to be a tidied-up version of the outcome of issue 199. 

1. First subproperty, then fully developed path: Does the description mean that P152 has a hypothetical subproperty "PX has biological parent", which in turn is a shortcut for "P21 Person (Child) P98i was born E67 Birth P96 by mother E21 Person (Biological Mother)" and "P21 (Child) P98i was born E67 Birth P97 from father E21 (Biological Father)"? 

2. First fully developed path, then sub-path: Is P152 a shortcut for a hypothetical fully developed path "E21 (Child) P98i was born E67 Birth PY by parent E21 (Parent)" with the property "PY by parent" proposed in issue 199 (but apparently rejected in this form), and then PY is a superproperty of P96 and P97, or the whole path is a superpath of P98i E67 P96/P97? 

If the former, will there also be fully developed paths for "E21 PZ has legal parent E21", which would replace "E39 Actor (child) P143i was joined by E85 Joining P144 joined with E74 Group (family)" for e.g. adoptions? If the latter, why is E67 Birth involved in legal parenthood? And what about social parents? 

Would it be easier not to claim any formal relationship between P152 and P96/P97 for the time being?

Current Proposal: 

This issue should be merged with issue 199. 
28th CRM-SIG Stockholm 7/6/2013