Issue 253: E70 Thing - scope note

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Closing Date: 

Posted by Martin on 30/7/2014 

Dear All, 
I am not happy with the scope note of E70: 
"This general class comprises usable discrete, identifiable, instances of E77 Persistent Item that are documented as single units. 

They can be either intellectual products or physical things, and are characterized by relative stability. They may for instance either have a solid physical form, an electronic encoding, or they may be logical concept or structure." 

I propose: 
"This general class comprises discrete, identifiable, instances of E77 Persistent Item that are documented as single units, that either consist of matter or depend on being carried by matter and are characterized by relative stability. 

They may be intellectual products or physical things. They may for instance have a solid physical form, an electronic encoding, or they may be a logical concept or structure." 


The current definition is, besides others, incompatible with fluids in bottles, geological concepts and some archaeological samples, which we would not like to exclude. I suggest to get rid of the enumerative "either or", which is in contradiction to a definition by substance.


In 31st joined meeting of the CIDOC CRM SIG, ISO/TC46/SC4/WG9 and the 24th FRBR - CIDOC CRM, resolving this issue, the crm -sig changed the scope note of E70 Thing to the following:

"This general class comprises discrete, identifiable, instances of E77 Persistent Item that are documented as single units, that either consist of matter or depend on being carried by matter and are characterized by relative stability.

They may be intellectual products or physical things. They may for instance have a solid physical form, an electronic encoding, or they may be a logical concept or structure."

Heraklion, Crete, October 2014